Sunday, April 8, 2018

Stuck sucks!

Being stuck, SUCKS! I became unemployed back in April of this year (2017) and I tell ya, IT SUCKS!  And I admit, it was a fault of my own, for being so damn opinionated on social media, and therefore it affected my job, so I was fired!  Although I am a huge advocate of freedom of speech because let's face it, WE HAVE THAT RIGHT IN AMERICA AS US CITIZENS, but beware of employers that check your posts on social media platforms, it's like they feed off your venting only to get you fired and find that for a just cause!  My advice?  Don't add any coworkers to your social media "friends" list and if you do, keep a separate account for just people you work with, and another very private for just closest friends and family!  Better safe than sound!

It started to become so apparent that there were so many times I wanted to go out and post crap about crap from work, how it felt when they run down their own employees, making them feel expendable in every meeting if you didn't make your minimum weekly calls, or "step up your game", or whatever reason they would find to make you just resent work!  I was so compelled to post-hardcore and almost came to a point where I'd say "sure come at me, I got nothing anyway for you to come after me for!".  I felt so brazen, so f***ing fearless, like a verbal vocal warrior at the time! But you know what?  I didn't!  I sucked it all in! ALL of it!  It wasn't fun nor did it alleviated the frustration I would come home with! It stressed the crap out of me forty hours a week Monday through Friday!

But after that day, I kept reflecting and stuck to the same schedule every single day since I was fired: waking up at 4:30 AM, stepping on the mat for a yoga session, getting ready (well not really, just stay in house clothes with my cup of coffee!), sitting on my computer from 8 am to 4:30 pm, the whole day sending and filling out application after application after application for jobs.  I came to the conclusion that when things happen, they happen for a reason!  I saw that as a blessing for being fired!  YEP...  A BLESSING!  No more people talking behind my back or listening to their gossip, or the drama some would bring to work for everyone to listen, or whatever people do these days to find a reason to just let it all be about themselves for the most part!  To be quite honest, it was just getting on my nerves!  But I guess that is the price you pay for a very small office...  I felt out of place so many times!  However, I kept my professional composure, quiet at times, as much as I can muster!  I even started coming to work an hour and a half earlier than anyone else, just so I can get started; I jogged earlier in the mornings around the business area, to clear my head and get ready for the day ahead.  Many times I felt as if I could just keep jogging just to run away from it all, but had to get back, change, and then go about my business for the rest of the day!  Monday through Friday this was my schedule...  that of the slave desk worker!

Then one day sitting on the mat on one of my yoga sessions from YouTube, something resonated with me!  We need to reset!  We need to find that balance in things, and that is why yoga came into play!  Now it is a need on a daily basis for me, I crave it, I want it, give me Chaturanga all day PLEASE!  Well not really as it hurts your arms the first few days, but when you get that going, you start to see results... a bit of triceps!  I still use weights but, come on... how powerful it is to get into Chaturanga!  And now, I'm doing a chakra challenge and let me tell ya... your body is so complex yet, so simple and unique, you have the potential for so much!  No worrying about being judged or the gossip in an office!  YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE ABOUT!  You are your own judge, the f*** with the rest of the world!  I found my passion and if I had the money, I would love, LOVE to become a yoga teacher!  But there is so much to learn about this whole new genre, all I can do is be the student, and read...  A LOT!

My other passion?  Meditation!  I'm going slow on that one because let's face it, who in the world can sit still throughout a whole meditation session while reciting the bija mantra of OM, or LAM, or HAM, or any of the chakra mantras?  SO I've been doing it in small increments.  If I feel my mind wander, I open my eyes and pretend someone kicked me, recite once again the mantra and find my space center!  Try that!  It works for me!

With all of this said I have to admit, it feels pretty f***ing amazing to just let it go and all out!  And if any of this resonates with you, feel free to message me or post your thoughts!  We live in a free nation that although it seems that our freedom of speech can be threatened or marred by corporate bosses who think they got that controlled to make you feel powerless, let's not let that stop us from making a point...  AND NOT TAKE THE BS!  The struggle is REAL...  so fight for your right to fight FREEDOM OF SPEECH.  Now, and always!

(This blog was written on 08SEP17)

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